Nov. '86 - Blue Devil # 30

When this comic started it was advertised as a return to fun comics. And it was fun in the beginning. Somewhere along the way it lost the focus and went from fun to just silly. I kept buying it out of habit (I must have had more disposable income back then than I do now) but it certainly wasn't the same comic it started out like. Other people must have agreed since the next month it was cancelled.
This issue had Blue Devil taking on Flash's rogues. The rogues are interesting since some of them had actually turned good at this point. The comic opened with them at a memorial service for Flash, the Top, and Mirror Master. That part was good. It quickly dropped from there as they decide to create a tour at a movie studio to make some cash. Then they decide to rob the studio. There's a fight between good rogues, bad rogues and Blue Devil. End of issue.
When I'm buying an ongoing series I expect there to be some development and some progression with the story and the characters. If that kind of series in some months gives me just a story but it's still entertaining I'm okay with that. But with this comic, every month was just a story and they weren't that entertaining. The development and progression had stopped a long time ago.
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