Nov. '86 - The Marvel Saga # 12

This was a series I enjoyed a lot. It's goal was to tell the history of the Marvel universe in chronological order. By showing bits from all the comics being published at a particular time it created a tapestry to show the progression of the universe. It would use panels take right from the original comics and then Peter Sanderson would add narration to bridge the gaps. It was interesting to see the development of Marvel as the characters began appearing in other titles when cross-overs were still something special.
In this issue, #12, it covered around February 1964. The Fantastic Four were fighting the Mole Man, Iron Man took on the Mandarin and the Avengers discovered Captain America frozen in ice.
It's too bad this series didn't last long. It ended at #25. I'm familiar with many of the older Marvel comics since they get reprinted the most frequently. But later times that don't get as much attention would have been fun to take a look at.
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