Nov. '86 - The Bozz Chronicles # 6

Bozz Chronicles was published by Epic Comics, a part of Marvel Comics. Epic was a forerunner to Vertigo at DC. A lot of the comics were creator-owned and many of the titles were non-superhero based. They made some good comics but I think I was too young and too interested in superheroes to appreciate what they were doing. I latched on to Vertigo when they started a few years later. If I had been older when Epic started I probably would have bought more of their titles. This was one I did buy when it came out and I was happy I did.
The title character was an alien who crashed on Earth in Victorian Era London. Intellectually years ahead of humans he grew bored on Earth and attempted suicide. He was found by a prostitute who quickly realized there was an opportunity. She opened up a detective agency that kept Bozz's mind active while making money and keeping her off the street. The cases they took were never simple crimes. There was always demons and magic involved.
This was the end of the limited series. If it had continued I would have kept buying it. It was really funny and being set in Victorian London created interesting situations for the characters, especially the prostitute, Amanda Flynn. She was a very independent woman in a time when that wasn't a quality noticed in women. Also, she always had dual motives in keeping Bozz interested in their cases. She didn't want him killing himself because she liked him but she also was enjoying her new lifestyle and didn't want to see it end.
Bozzy was my favorite short series when I was a kid. I just picked up the whole series on eBay for 9 bucks NM, which is a steal considering the originals were $1.50 per.
Bozz was a very fun and enigmatic character as your post suggests, and though the story seemed cyclic (that is, it repeated themes over and over) I found the whole read very fascinating even then, and hope to enjoy it as much now, over 20 years later.
Also one of my favorite books ever. Probably my favorite limited series of all time.
It was just so unique and fun.
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