Nov. '86 - Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe # 12

I was shocked to find out that Marvel is reprinting this series in their Essential format. The information is 20 years old now and its not really entertaining reading. When it came out I bought it because it was a great way to get up-to-date on everything that was going on. Buying it now would only get you within 20 years of being current. I wonder how much has actually changed in the 20 years between then and now.
There was quite a difference between DC's handbook, Who's Who, and Marvel's version. DC was very light on information. They would tell you what powers a hero had. Marvel was very heavy on information. They would tell you what powers a hero had and how those powers worked. It some spots it got very technical. How do you explain Dr. Strange's abilities? Marvel's also had more of a consistent look since Joe Rubinstein inked every figure. DC had a much more varied style in Who's Who. If you needed information on a character, Marvel's Handbook would certainly have it. It made a great reference book. For a comic to sit down and read, Marvel's was not easy. Not a comic you could do in one sitting. But that wasn't the purpose of it.
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