All-Star Superman # 2

This has got to be, without a doubt, the best Superman story since Alan Moore's "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?". I read this with real enjoyment. This is a reason for creating the All-Star line. Like they described it - creating iconic stories using great creators.
I just do not get the same feeling from reading All-Star Batman; and Batman was the one I was looking forward to more. But while A-S Batman, to me, has been a disappointment, A-S Superman has been a great surprise. Superman being portrayed as someone so relaxed and confident seems so natural and so right. He's invulnerable, he should be confident.
Some of the moments I particularly enjoyed:
- the new key to the Fortress
- Lois not believing he was Clark
- his pet Suneater
The Silver Age feel to this comic is really noticeable with Superman's gadgets and trophies that don't get an explanation; they're just there. Comics today seem to be plotted much tighter than older comics. Everything is more deliberate. Everything that is in them is there for a reason. And while I like that because it creates suspense and makes me pay more attention when I'm reading a comic, it's refreshing to see a comic that takes a different approach. I remember reading letter columns where someone would write in and ask 'where did this come from' or 'what's the history on this' and the answer from the editor would just be 'maybe there's a story in there someday'. I got the same feeling from reading this issue. The suneater is there, we don't know where it came from, probably won't find out. Here's a future Superman. What's his story, don't know. While I wouldn't want this for every comic, it's a nice change of pace.
Eagerly waiting for the next issue! Hope the creators can keep this going for a long time!
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