Nov. '86 - Daredevil # 236

This issue of Daredevil was written by Ann Nocenti. She would become the regular writer of Daredevil and did a good job, I thought. It couldn't have been easy replacing Frank Miller. The art this issue was done by Barry Windsor-Smith so of course it was incredible!
The story was a follow-up to a previous story from Miller's run about a soldier named Nuke who was sent to Hell's Kitchen to kill Daredevil. In this new story another soldier, with abilities enhanced by the government, has to be stopped before his powers take control of him and endanger others. The agent sent to stop him is Black Widow, who enlists the help of Daredevil.
I collected Daredevil for quite a while and saw a lot of good issues. Right up past # 300 I thought was a really good run for the title. Once he gets the new costume I started to drift away. I didn't come back again to the Brian Michael Bendis era so I missed a good 10 years. I have a couple of the issues when it was a Marvel Edge title but that's it. Not sure if I'll ever fill in all the holes in the collection or if the stories are even worth having. I don't hear that time period talked about much.
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