Nov. '86 - Secret Origins # 8

Artists: Tom Mandrake, Murphy Anderson
This comic started off alternating issues between golden-age origins and modern origins. Around issue 6 it became double-sized and combined the two into each issue. Roy Thomas was retelling golden age origins in chrnological order. Being a fan of his work on All-Star Squadron is what made me pick up this title. He had a way of making the story feel like an older story while at the same time adding in things to make it fit in better with current times. I've said it before but it is a shame DC couldn't let All-Star Squadron continue in its own universe away from the results of Crisis. DC brought the JSA back shortly after making them go away and with Infinite Crisis recognizes that multiple earths once existed so maybe someday I'll get my wish.
The second story was an origin of a Legionnaire. The art was good, done by Tom Mandrake, fresh off Batman. I think prior to this we only knew the basics of Shadow Lass's origin so this fleshed it out a bit.
Excellent, love it!
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