Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Happy Birthday!

Tomorrow is my Dad's birthday.


He retired recently and he and my Mom have moved back to where they grew up. They are around family and old friends and seem to be enjoying the experience after being away from home for so long. They live further away now so I won't be seeing them as often as I used to but with phones and email we keep in touch. We've even started using MSN Messenger after prodding from my sister.

Dad and Mom both have given everything they could to their kids and provided us with a good foundation to grow up in. I consider myself very fortunate with the life I have now and that has a lot to do with them. The ability to be self-sufficient, make good decisions, and have a successful marriage can largely be attributed to them. And I still call them to get advice and just to share news and get their reaction.

Dad is only partly retired since he got a part-time job shortly after moving. I hope he's not working too hard and takes time to enjoy his birthday.

PS. I tried to work in the term 'auspicious occasion' but wasn't sure how to make it fit (inside joke for the family).


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