Nov. '86 - Green Lantern Corps # 206

This series changed a great deal after Crisis on Infinite Earths. The Guardians had stepped down as mentors for the Green Lanterns. The Lanterns were told that they no longer needed to patrol a certain section of the universe; they could now go wherever they wanted. As a result, 7 Green Lanterns set up shop on Earth, only two of them native to the planet. Having 7 Lanterns on one planet created an instant super-team!
Steve Englehart was the writer of this with Joe Staton on art. I think of this comic as similar to Englehart's West Coast Avengers - an enjoyable comic but not ultra serious. Staton's artwork allowed for very expressive faces and gave the comic a slightly cartoony look. The alien Lanterns were good as they tried to adjust to life on Earth. There was no way for them to adopt secret identities since they looked definitely alien so they were Lanterns all the time. A headquarters was set up for them to live at and where people could find them for help.
The villain of this issue was Black Hand who had the power to absorb the Green Lanterns' power. He was defeated by Kilowog who beat him with his bare hands, showing he didn't need the ring to be effective.
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